# Meditation

# Obstacles to meditation

  1. Not enough time
  2. Procrastination
  3. Reluctance and resistance
  4. Doubt


  1. Worldly Desire - pursuit of material pleasures
  2. Unification of mind
  3. Aversion - Judging, rejection, denial
  4. Pleasure/Happiness
  5. Laziness (when the cost of an activity outweighs the benefits) and Lethargy (low enerygy and motivation)


  1. Directed Attention - "Just do it"
  2. Agitation due to Worry and Remorse - worry about consquences for past actions
  3. Meditative Joy - joy produces confidence and optimism
  4. Doubt - biased mental processes which focus on the negative
  5. Sustained Attention - consistent effort